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ManageWiki is a special MediaWiki extension designed to let bureaucrats quickly and easily modify their wiki's settings. It allows for both simple changes, like setting the logo and enabling extensions, and more advanced configurations, such as creating user groups and defining their permissions.

Accessing ManageWiki[edit | edit source]

Founders have access to ManageWiki from the start, and all bureaucrats can use all parts of Special:ManageWiki. Any user with the appropriate right can also edit the various subpages. ManageWiki is divided into five main sections:

  • Core settings (Special:ManageWiki/core) – Controls basic wiki settings, including name, language, and visibility. Requires the (managewiki-core) right.
  • Extensions (Special:ManageWiki/extensions) – Enables or disables extensions, including skins. Requires the (managewiki-extensions) right.
  • Namespaces (Special:ManageWiki/namespaces) – Manages, creates, and deletes namespaces. Requires the (managewiki-namespaces) right.
  • Permissions (Special:ManageWiki/permissions) – Manages, creates, and deletes user groups and permissions. Requires the (managewiki-permissions) right.
  • Additional settings (Special:ManageWiki/settings) – Adjusts other wiki aspects, such as the logo, licensing, defaults, and extension configurations. Requires the (managewiki-settings) right.

A sixth option, under the Administration tab, allows managing or downloading the wiki’s dump. For more details, see Backups.

 Note: You may find some settings, or extensions are greyed out even as a bureaucrat, and labeled as managewiki-restricted. Such extensions may only be enabled by global SkyWiki functionaries. Feel free to ask about them on our community board or Discord. You may request a restricted setting or extension be toggled on Steward requests.

Accessing ManageWiki[edit | edit source]

To access ManageWiki, simply click the links on the sidebar under the Administration tab or visit Special:SpecialPages and scroll to the Wiki Management section. You can also access them manually by visiting the corresponding special page: Special:ManageWiki/core, Special:ManageWiki/extensions, Special:ManageWiki/permissions, Special:ManageWiki/settings, or Special:ManageWiki/namespaces. You can type these pages into the search bar to go to them. For more information on these pages and what they do, look below. If this doesn't work, you can try asking for help on the community board and a volunteer will gladly assist you.

' Note: 'Some skins may hide the Administration tab on the sidebar. If this happens, you can force them to display by going to Special:Preferences -> Appearance -> Force the display of ManageWiki links in the sidebar. If this doesn't work, you can always navigate to them manually, as described in the previous section.

ManageWiki Sections[edit | edit source]